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Best Supplement To Reduce Stress

Stress. Just hearing the word is enough to make your guts begin to twist. Stressssss. We want to reduce stress. We try to avoid situations that cause stress. We shun the people who irritate us because we can’t stand the stress. We misbehave, over eat, drink too much, and lash out at our loved ones because we have trouble dealing with stress. STRESSsssssss!

Physiologically and psychologically, stress is closely related to anxiety, which in turn is related to fear. Fear, an emotional state, is one of the evolutionary results that our species has learned to use as a survival tool. When we come face to face with a threat of some nature, the body and mind work together in what is called a “fight or flight” response. The heart and lungs begin to accelerate, your hair stands on end, the bladder and bowels may suddenly become loose for immediate evacuation (or the opposite may occur), blood vessels in some parts of the body will constrict while others dilate, tunnel vision may occur, and the adrenal glands become very active.

In short, the body is preparing to either do battle with the threat or devote every bit of energy it can muster toward escaping it.

The physical reactions of the fight or flight response will help to ensure the survival of the individual experiencing them, but they are not without cost. The immediate results may include constipation, anorexia, difficulty urinating and erectile dysfunction. Prolonged exposure to these conditions may lead to depression of the auto-immune system, exposing the individual to increased risk of infection and illness.

Fear is the reaction to an immediate, definable threat. When anxiety or stress occurs, the threat may not be as immediate or as clearly defined. The body’s reactions are basically the same, though perhaps not as intense. The damage done by the intense processes of a full on fear may actually be greater in an anxious or stressful situation because the physical reactions go on for a longer period of time.

No supplement can take away your stress or anxiety, any more than strong drink can take away your fear. In the case of liquor, it may dull your senses enough to allow you to face your fear, but that same dullness will decrease the likelihood of surviving the encounter. If supplements cannot take away stress, they may at least help the body to deal with its effects.

Vitamin B12 is needed by the body to maintain several different metabolic processes, including the formation of red blood cells. It also may aid in the rejuvenation and repair of the nervous system.

Ohio State University recently made a study of 68 medical students. Med School is a notoriously stressful time; during the 12 weeks of the study, half of the med students were given a daily 2500 daily dosage of Omega 3 oil supplement, approximately the same as you could expect from a 4 oz serving of wild salmon. The other students were given a placebo. The students who received the Omega 3 supplement showed a 20% reduction in stress indicators.

There are several other supplements that may help with the body’s reactions to stress. Please look for more information about the high purity supplements from BioSynergy!

Written by costi
