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Best Supplements For Anxiety

As the days are getting cooler and longer (and most of us have leftover Halloween candy on the shelf) we can all appreciate the value of a good scare.

There is nothing like sitting in a dark room in front of a glowing TV, knowing that the pretty girl should never walk in the woods alone when there is a crazed killer on the loose, but she does it anyway, and then all of a sudden POW! The killer with his terrible mask jumps from behind the tree and his knife flashes….

We laugh at these fun episodes of fright, not for what they represent, but for the way we react to them. The Fight or Flight” response kicks in immediately, it isn’t uncommon to jump or at least experience a “full-body twitch”, girlfriends often grab their boyfriends a little closer (assuming the boyfriend hasn’t run out of the room) and a good laugh is had by all.

The reason these scares are fun is their intensity, and the fact that they are over very quickly, factors that are missing with anxiety.

Fear is an intense emotion. Worry is a feeling which has an easily identifiable cause. Anxiety is a psychological state which is characterized by not having a specific cause and lasting for an extended period of time.

Although anxiety may not have the intensity of fear, it does share many of the same physiological responses. Where a sudden fright brings on the fear response and then it dissipates as soon as the fright passes, because anxiety can last hours, days, or even weeks, the less effects cause greater stress because they do not go away.

It is not uncommon to feel “worn out” after a scary movie. Anxiety sufferers never get a chance to rest. This is the root of the physiological toll of anxiety.

More and more, people are turning to supplements to help deal with the effects of anxiety. It is important to understand that supplements will not take away the cause of your fear, any more than a tub of popcorn will make a movie less scary. Supplements may help the body better deal with the effects of stress caused by anxiety.

The place to start is with a regular multivitamin supplement. The B-complex vitamins are beneficial to anxiety sufferers because they have positive effects on the nervous system, and they help to regulate lactate levels which are thought to trigger anxiety attacks.

Large doses of Vitamin C are though to have a mild tranquilizing effect, and plays a pivotal role in brain chemistry and the function of the adrenal glands. Vitamin E helps in the transport of oxygen to the brain.

The minerals in a multivitamin are of great value as well. Calcium is a natural tranquilizer while magnesium helps prevent nervousness and muscle spasms. Zinc helps to calm the nervous system. The effects of Vitamin C are mimicked by potassium, which helps adrenal function, and selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant with proven anti-anxiety results.

For the best in High Purity, Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements, be sure to check out BioSynergy Health Alternatives.

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