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Resveratrol Supplement: A Super Powerful Antioxidant for Health & Anti Aging

Many people have heard the results of the “French Paradox” study. This study concluded that something in red wine helps the heart and helps prevent heart disease. That something is resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant in red wine called a polyphenol.

The Benefits

A polyphenol is a chemical that may protect against certain aging effects. Polyphenols can also block the substances that promote the growth of some cancers in addition to providing heart health benefits. The way resveratrol helps the heart is that it helps reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol, helps prevent blood clots, protects the circulatory system and helps prevent blood vessel damage, according to

A study by Bharat B. Aggarwal et al., published in the Anticancer Research journal (2004), found that resveratrol has “great potential in the prevention and therapy of a wide variety of tumors.” The study found that it could help prevent leukemia and breast, colon, prostate and pancreas cancer. The study also found this compound to be “pharmacologically safe.”

Additional benefits of resveratrol were suggested by research that was done on mice. The study found that this substance could help fight obesity and diabetes. The mice in the study could run twice as far, had energy-charged muscles and a reduced heart rate.

You would need to drink 16 gallons of red wine to get as much resveratrol as you can in a quality resveratrol supplement

To get the benefits from red wine only is impractical. A person would need to drink about 16 gallons of wine a day. A better way is to take a resveratrol supplement.

Resveratrol comes from grape skins and is in grape seeds. That is the reason it is found in wine. Eating grapes and drinking grape juice are other ways to get this substance. Cranberries, blueberries and peanuts also contain this compound, but like wine, people need to consume massive amounts of food or juice to get the amount needed to produce the benefits. Taking a resveratrol supplement is the best way to get a beneficial amount, but it is not always easy to determine which is the best resveratrol supplement is to take.

What is the Best Resveratrol Supplement to Use?

There are many supplements on the market. The best resveratrol supplement to take is a natural resveratrol supplement that contains trans-resveratrol, not cis-resveratrol. An all-natural resveratrol supplement would contain trans-resveratrol and additional ingredients that are also natural, such as grape seed extract and quercetin, both antioxidants.

Grape seed extract increases antioxidants in the blood. It can treat heart disease, cancer and diabetes and can protect against bacterial infections. Grape seed extract combined with resveratrol may be better equipped to provide healthy effects, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Even Better…

Another ingredient to look for to get the best resveratrol supplement is one that contains the antioxidant quercetin. Quercetin is in fruits, flowers and vegetables. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, besides protecting against cancer and heart disease, quercetin is an antihistamine and an anti-inflammatory.

Avoid a resveratrol supplement that contains additives and fillers. Another resveratrol supplement to avoid is one that says “proprietary blend” on the label. That typically means the company does not want consumers to know the ingredients. Consumers should avoid taking any supplements unless they know exactly what they contain.

When it comes to heart health, you should strive to take the best resveratrol supplement available. The best resveratrol supplement should be 100 percent natural, contain high quality ingredients, and contain quercetin. This is the most effective formula to achieve the best results.

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